International · 3. Februar 2021

Best in Executive Search 2020

Unternehmensstrategie nutzen und Ziele erreichen
Awards are rewards. Winning them means that benchmarking with others in the industry has taken place and you’ve come out on top. Not only that, your clients are proud of their relationships with you, as are your employees and partners. Agilium Worldwide congratulates two of its members – Principal Connections in Ireland and Liebich & Partner in Germany – on winning awards that matter.

Principal connections awarded “Best in Executive Recruitment” by the chambers Ireland” national in business recognition awards” 2020/2021

Pat O’Donnell, Managing Partner

“Market-leading products and services, state-of-the-art infrastructure and market opportunity, none of these guarantee business success. It’s the people of an organisation who define it. And more specifically, it’s the quality of leadership demonstrated by those individuals. As a senior executive search and leadership consulting firm, Principal Connections is in a privileged position. Each day we work towards appointing many of the senior executives and board leaders who drive Irish business. Despite the unique circumstances imposed by the COVID 19 pandemic, this award reflects the resilience, agility and success that Principal Connections achieved in partnerships with our clients in 2020. I’d like to thank each of our exceptional management consulting team, our board and our international colleagues, who all share in this recognition.”

Liebich & Partner awarded “Best executive search consultants 2020” by leading german business magazine “Wirtschaftswoche”

“Every year around 2,600 HR decision-makers evaluate more than 850 executive search firms in Germany. The survey is totally independent and absolutely confidential. The main criteria for the award are understanding requirements and markets, professionalism and respect, open and honest communication, and customer satisfaction and reputation. It is conducted by the IUBH International University and supported by the German Association for HR Management. I’m so proud that we have won this prestigious award three times in a row now. It’s a huge honour and also a challenge for us to keep up the good work. We’ve shown that our concept of combining digital recruitment tools with analog direct approach methods works successfully, and more and more companies in Germany are satisfied with our services. Many thanks to our team, and also our international colleagues at Agilium Worldwide, for their dedication and hard work.”

Dr. Matthias Rode
Partner, Internationaler Headhunter & Chairman AGILIUM Worldwide Executive Search Group
Liebich & Partner

Verfasst von: Agilium Worldwide

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