International · 27. April 2022

Agilium Worldwide achieves record year in 2021!

Agilium Weltkarte Stock

Last year Agilium Worldwide achieved record figures, not only in the volume of business but also in overall revenues. One sure explanation for this success is the significant rebound in hiring for executive positions, around the globe, following the sudden drop in activity caused by COVID. The year 2021 turned out to be, on average and in some respects, a record year for Agilium Worldwide’s member firms. Agilium’s group of executive search firms has managed to productively defy the post-pandemic pessimism, performing better in 2021 than ever before!

Members generated not only greater total annual revenues (close to $40 million) but also completed a record annual number of search assignments (in total almost 1,100) across the globe! Moreover, most firms were able to make use of the slower months in 2020 to redesign some of their processes, and optimize their search and assessment tools, thus achieving significantly higher efficiencies. Consolidated performance reports from 2021 show that Agilium’s member firms performed better, using fewer resources. With an average of only 4.4. revenue producers in this context this is a highly admirable performance.

Agilium Portrait, Monika Borgers, Executive Director Agilium Worldwide 2021

Staying close to our clients, supporting them during the lockdowns in 2020 and subsequent months, certainly proved to be of great benefit to our member firms. Clients can now rely on us to help them refocus their business and to search and hire for new positions which are emerging from the crisis. Agilium Worldwide Executive Search has come out of the COVID crisis stronger than before. We innovated, we became leaner, we became better. I would like to congratulate each and every member on this outstanding group performance!

Monika Borgers
Executive Director
Agilium Worldwide

Agilium Worldwide

Dr. Matthias Rode is the Regional Director EMEA of AGILIUM Worldwide and your main contact in Germany: For any questions please contact him directly.

Founded in 1984, Agilium Worldwide LLC is an international executive search group of independent, owner-managed retained executive search firms, with members who are active in virtually every market. Agilium Worldwide ranks among the world’s top 25 executive search organizations.

Agilium Worldwide’s member firms offer personalized, specialized, client-oriented services. By eliminating the formally structured, pre-programmed approach they can remain proactive and secure prompt, skilled and expert service to their clients, to help them find the “Perfect Fit” – the right person for the right position, at the right time, at the right location.

Agilium Worldwide member firms are trusted advisors to companies from the Fortune 500, as well as to upcoming and start-up companies around the globe. Clients get the best of both worlds: an entrepreneurial approach with global reach and local perspective.

Verfasst von: Agilium Worldwide

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